Training Tips

Long Haul Flying Tips To Keep Your Legs Fresh

Whether you are flying out for a race or even a training camp, it is important that you keep your legs as fresh as possible from the moment prepare for your travel, to the moment that you disembark the plane, otherwise this may negatively impact your performance for the next few days ahead. Jetlag is not the only thing you should be thinking about! Sitting in one uncomfortable position with little manoeuvrability and cramped conditions with the added bonus of sleep deprivation and tiredness gained from just getting through the airport will negatively affect your body. However, there are ways in which you can combat this:

1. Pre-Travel

Get organized! Before you even head out for your journey to the airport, make sure that you have prepared and packed all your luggage well before hand. This way you can have a full night’s sleep without worrying about something you have missed or keep yourself up late into the night finishing your packing which will then lead to sleep deprivation later on. It is also important that you don’t overeat and keep yourself fully hydrated and take a water bottle. You may want to add in an electrolyte tablet as this will help regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood acidity and pressure. By doing all of this you will take away all the stresses of just getting onto the plane.

2. During Flight

During your flight you should aim to be wearing clothing that you will feel comfortable in for a good few hours. Nobody is really bothered what you look like on a flight! Avoid any alcohol or caffeine as you will want to stick to your normal sleep routine so that you don’t affect this for the days ahead and find yourself lying in bed at midnight wide awake. Try doing some gentle exercises whilst sitting down such as shoulder and neck rotations and ankle movements. You should also aim to get and and move around as regularly as possible at around 30 minute intervals. You may want to consider wearing compression socks as this can minimise swelling and help improve circulation. You should already have your bottle with an electrolyte to keep yourself hydrated during the flight.

3. Straight Off The Plane

As soon as you get off the plane, have managed to sort everything out and have arrived at your accommodation, look to see if you can have a light walk, jog, or even a swim and try and let your body relax. If you arrive in the morning, exercise first and try not to sleep much until the evening but do take a small nap if significantly tired. If you arrive in the evening do that small amount of exercise and get some sleep when you are ready.