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Chlorella – a fix-all ‘superfood’ supplement?

Chlorella is a single-celled, freshwater nutrient-dense alga, native to Taiwan and Japan. Researchers first studied chlorella after World War II as a potential protein option for a growing global population but was never produced on this mass scale. Nonetheless, scientists still continue to research its potential as a health-boosting ‘superfood’. 

Chlorella is naturally rich in protein including dietary fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, including antioxidants.  Besides being an awesome nutritional superfood biological studies have shown that Chlorella packs some pretty potent health benefits although most of the studies that have been conducted to date have been either on animals or in small human trials, so more research is needed.   

Here are 5 reasons to try chlorella: 

To Boost your Immune System  

Chlorella is a potent biological response modifier immunity. In one Korean study, published in the Nutrition Journal, which can be found at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 51 healthy adults were given 5g a day for eight weeks. At the end of the trial, their bodies had increased levels of immune proteins known to help defend against bacteria.   

For Endurance capacity 

In the published Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition a study by Japanese researchers found that 10 healthy young people who took chlorella saw an increase in their peak oxygen intake when carrying out maximal exercise which consisted of incremental cycling to exhaustion. This indicated that that chlorella might help increase aerobic endurance capacity.    

To Keep your Cholesterol in Check 

The conclusion of another Korean study published in the Nutrition Journal showed that daily consumption of Chlorella supplements provided the potential health benefit of reducing serum lipid risk factors, High level of serum cholesterol is considered to be a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD).  

For a Natural Detox  

Chlorella has long been thought to have a detoxifying effect on the body. In particular, it’s shown to have an ability to bind to harmful heavy metals, which are then flushed out of the body naturally in waste. In a Japanese study, published in The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, taking chlorella reduced mercury levels in body cells. 

To Look more Youthful 

If you’re after younger-looking skin (and who isn’t?), taking chlorella may be worth a punt. Studies suggest that consuming it can significantly raise the body’s antioxidant levels and this helps protect against damaging free radicals caused by pollution and other environmental factors, and which can ultimately lead to ageing skin. 

Chlorella is available in liquid, powder, or tablet form at many health food stores. You can take it as a supplement, or add it to smoothies, juices, and many sweet or savoury dishes.  Before you buy a supplementalways read the label. Carefully read the directions for use and for any claims of efficacy and/or safety. 

Chlorella supplements can be found at Holland & Barrett and brought online here.