Junior NewsNewsPodcast

The TriNation Podcast Ep12

The TriNation Podcast Ep12

For episode 12 of ‘The TriNation Podcast’ we decided to bring another junior athlete onto the podcast – GB triathlete Noah Canby.

One of the things we wanted to include in this podcast was to try and get a Junior athlete on every now and again, just as we did with Erin Wallace in the first season to give them a chance to voice themselves, when the majority of the time the spotlight is on the full time professionals. Most people do not see the amount of hours that juniors put in on top of their external activities.

Noah himself took the British Junior title in 2018 and is well renowned now as a lead out swimmer on the British scene, one for always attacking on the bike and having in my opinion an underrated run. Although he is still very young and has a long way to go I got to speak to him about his high level junior racing experiences. His confidence he has gained year on year and how he has overcome a fair few unfortunate mishaps and misfortunes in races.