Elite NewsNews

Challenge Davos 2020 – Thunderstorms Cause Havoc

If you think the Triathlon season can’t get any worse, think again.

No sooner than the Challenge Davos 2020 race was underway, with the male elites only two kilometers on the bike, and the female elites just exiting the water, the torrential rains developed into a heavy thunder and lightning storm and athletes’ safety could no longer be guaranteed. The outcome, the highly anticipated race was cancelled.

The World Class Athletes could not wait to get started so the disappointment among athletes was huge,  particularly among the Age Groupers that didn’t even have a chance to start.  The Challenge Davos team had done their utmost to put up a great race in the pretty town of Davos situated in the heart of the Swiss canton Graubünden.

ChallengeFamily CEO Jort Vlam commented, “ Unfortunately, nobody controls the weather and this was the only right decision to make.”

Video Credit: Pushing Limits YouTube Channel